A coupon database allows you to search a product by brand name or even product name and it provides the location of all the coupons and rebates available for the item. For example, click here, and in the box above the words” coupon description” ( see pics below for location) Type “eggs” in the box, where the arrow is pointing ,in the pics, on your PC or phone. A list of coupons will come up which are all the coupons now available for eggs. Printables are first and then insert coupons are listed. The database allows you to click on the link, which is the name of the coupon as well in the database, and it takes you straight to that coupon to print. So click on the first link ” Davidson Safest Eggs” which is the first coupon listed. Once you have clicked be taken directly to that printable coupon. So now you have found a printable coupon for your deal, but say an insert coupon is a higher value.
When finding coupons,which are in inserts, scroll past the blue printables and you will see ” Land O’ Lakes Eggs – 2-14-16 RP”. This tells you the Land O’ Lakes eggs coupon is in Red Plum dated 2/14.
Look at picture number three below, all inserts have the dates on the binder of each insert. I have terrible eyes so I write the dates on the front of mine ( seen in pic 4)
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Our website’s database is under the “Confidant’s tools” tab, on the front page of CouponConfidants.com